Research on Teaching Design and Construction of Role Design Course under Mobile Internet Context

Yang Yuan
Shanghai University of Engineering Science China and South Korea Multimedia Design College
333 LongTeng Road Shanghai 201620, China
Shanghai, China
The mobile Internet environment provides guidance for market development and aesthetic orientation of digital media art design. The Role Design course as a basic course for digital media art design plays an important role in major directions of game design, animation design, film and television special effects, APP application, virtual reality, etc. By exploring the teaching system, teaching methods and contents of Role Design under the digital media art design major, this paper try to build a more systematic and comprehensive digital role design platform for students, to focus on how to make students maximize the ability of their own innovative thinking in the course teaching process, and to ensure that the design concept is superior than the design behavior, the design idea better than the design specification, and the design process more important than the design result in different links of the teaching process.

Role design, Role positioning, Role derivation, Role connotation





Published in: 

2nd Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation 2019

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