Study on the Digitalization of Festival Culture in Taiwan’s Aboriginal Literature

Cheng-Hui Tsai1,a, Chuan-Po Wang2,b
Center for General Education,
1National Taichung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
TEL: +886-935-351201
2Department of Industrial Design, Chaoyang University of Technology Taiwan (R.O.C.)
TEL: +886-926-776317
In this project, the term “teaching practice” is intended to focus on creative teaching and innovative research to promote multi-intelligence digital humanities and cultivate knowledge of aboriginal culture through field investigation and humane care. Therefore, the curriculum of Aboriginal Literature is based on: (1) An awareness of local and tribal culture and care; (2) An innovative teaching model (from a cognitive model to a cognitive skills model); (3) An emotional model (care of ethnic humanities); (4) A digital model (digital humanities and archives, learner-based learning, flipped classrooms and problem-oriented learning (PBL). The aim of the curriculum is to guide students to reflect on contemporary multicultural values, learn about holistic education and focus on people's core concerns.
The rituals that are part of Taiwan’s Atayal and Thao cultures are integrated into the innovative education of aboriginal literature, and students are led to participate in field investigations of the ceremonies to complete the digital cultural documentary of the Atayal Thanksgiving ceremony to reach the innovative teaching goal of digital humanities education.

Aboriginal literature, Aboriginal culture, Digital humanities, Field study, Action research





Published in: 

2nd Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation 2019

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